I will be blogging to you about the safety knowledge i learned from Culinary Arts and how to keep everyone happy from the meal as well as healthy from the meal. Things like, temperatures that your food is supposed to be cooked at, temperatures that your food is supposed to be stored, etc.

For the beginning basics lets get started talking about temperatures, in the industry it is extremely important that your freezers, refrigerators and any kind of food holders are at the proper temperature especially because of the health inspectors. The health inspectors can show up at your restaraunt unannounced whenever they please. Meaning, that you have to be prepared for them to come every single day.
The temperature that a refrigerator needs to be is below 41degrees ferenheight.
41degrees fahrenheit is also what hot food needs to be cooled at before it is covered.
"The danger zone" is inbetween 41degrees fahrenheit and 135degrees fahrenheit. Meaning that you need to keep food colder than that when refrigerated and heat it up warmer than that when cooking or warming food up. Reheated foods need to be 165 degrees fahrenheit or above, use thermometer to check the temperature.
Different foods need to be heated to different temperatures.
Pork: 145degrees fahrenheit
Ground Beef: 155degrees fahrenheit
Poultry: 165degrees fahrenheit
Fish, Shellfish and lamb: at least 140 and above
For any questions on temperatures or anything culinary related feel free to ask, i am willing to answer any questions!